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Comprehensive collection of noise FX sound programs.This is an excellent soundware for film scoring, computer games and all recent music styles.Sound banks: 1Sound programs: 128Soundware delivery info: The ordered product will be delivered to your e-mail address as a ZIP file.Product documentation (PDF Format) - VIR2ALL - Access Virus B/C/TI and TDM:Reference Guide Sound Program List
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The VIR2ALL collection is designed for Access Virus B/C/TI/TI Snow/TI2 and TDM synthesizers.
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VIR2ALL - Ambient - (Access Virus B/C/TI/TI Snow/TI2/TDM)
VIR2ALL - Cyber Trance - (Access Virus B/C/TI/TI Snow/TI2/TDM)
VIR2ALL - 80s Retro - (Access Virus B/C/TI/TI Snow/TI2/TDM)
VIR2ALL - Special Bundle - (Access Virus B/C/TI/TI Snow/TI2/TDM)
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I use my Kurzweil PC3/PC3K synthesizer mostly for: